Sun is Setting
Here I am watching the sun as it’s setting
Another day older is what I’m getting
Feeling the wind whip in the air
Feeling that cool breeze hit my skin & hair
Sand cool on my feet & toes
The feelings everyone knows
The feeling of gratitude for another day
The relationship between husband and wife
My how I love this life
The life that gives so very much
And there He is in the Clutch
Driving force in all humanity
The light that creates our sanity
Thankful & grateful everyday for His love
Him shining down his light from above
The grace of God is a wonderful gift
May we always remember it is His to give & ours to live

I wrote this little poem when Mindy and I were at the beach watching the sun set in Florida. May we all focus on the 5G Life – Be Grateful, Be Gracious, Be Generous, Be Grounded, Be Guided. I would love to hear what you are Grateful for in your life.
Talk soon!
Best Always,